Painthorpe Lane, Crigglestone, Wakefield, WF4 3HW.

Tel: 01924 303520,

Mackie Hill Junior and Infant School

'Learning for you, Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. Nursery and Reception Open Morning

Nursery and Reception Open Morning

4 November 2022 (by Jayne Elliot (jayne elliot))

The staff and children are really excited to welcome parents and carers into school for our Open Morning on Monday 7th November 2022 8:45am – 10am.

If you would like to join us, please drop your child off at the classroom doors as normal and walk around to the office to sign in. We will then escort you to classrooms. Some people have asked if they are able to leave earlier than 10am due to work commitments and yes, this is fine with us.

Kind regards, Miss Turner and Miss Johnson.